
Environmental implications for Scotland of the UK leaving the EU

The Scottish Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee held last week a hearing into the environmental implications for Scotland of the UK leaving the EU.
The Committee asked questions of a panel of experts — Professor Gavin Little (University of Stirling); Professor Elisa Morgera (Strathclyde University); Professor Colin Reid (University of Dundee, EUrefEnv); Dr Annalisa Savaresi (University of Stirling); Bob Ward (Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment) —  about the scale of the task of disentangling the EU elements from Scottish law, the enforcement of environmental law after Brexit, the consequences of international agreements and the implications of Brexit for the devolution arrangements.
The oral evidence can be viewed here. Written evidence submitted in preparation for the meeting (including by Prof Colin Reid) can be accessed here.

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