The UK votes to leave the EU: What next for environmental policy in the UK and Europe?

This post lists the different blogs and reactions from the EUrefEnv experts to the EU referendum result and what it may mean for the UK and EU policies and processes on the environment, energy, climate, agriculture and fisheries. More information on the different scenarios for Leave can be found in our expert review.
Keep calm and carry on cutting emissions? Climate policy after #Brexit@TimJRayner @brmo07— The Conversation (@ConversationUK) July 4, 2016
New blog: What does #Brexit mean for the UK’s #environment? by Charlotte Burns, Viviane Gravey, Andy Jordan— PSA Environment (@PSAEnvironment) 28 June 2016
Brexit: A step forwards or backwards for a Greener Europe?— EurActivUK (@EurActivUK) June 28, 2016
“The referendum process may be over, but the hard political debate over policy starts now.”— Green Alliance (@GreenAllianceUK) June 27, 2016
Exclusive blog from @CharlieBEU @uniofyork @VGravey + Andy Jordan @uniofeastanglia on enviro impact of #Brexit— environmentalist mag (@The_Envist) June 24, 2016